Maid Fucked While Doing Her Duties

Dear Diary – So, Indonesian maid porn cutie Nadina arrived at 8am this morning for her first day at work with her new boss, me! I was curious to see if she would be professional but it was me who just couldn’t control myself, haha. Damn, this made me so fucking horny! From the moment she arrived, I just wanted this maid fucked by my rising dick. I tried to control myself and gave her the things that she needed to clean my room but I started to jerk off from the moment she started to clean. I could just not control myself. Within 10 mins, or so, we were banging like animals! Damn, this was so exciting and I double enjoyed this fuck!

After my maid fucked like a champion, she continued to clean, did the dishes, washed my clothes, and made food for me after I creampied her. At 4pm, she left. What a perfect day. She will probably start to come each Friday, starting next week. What a beautiful life. That’s basically how I ruined my marriage and got to become a monger when I was fucking my Filipina maid 14 years ago… we are full circle now!